Bill Clinton Can’t Stop Getting Lost On His Way Home, Accidentally Ends Up On Pedo Island 34 Times!

Whacky Ex-President Bill Clinton just can’t stop making silly mistakes. Mr. Clinton reportedly accidentally landed on Pedo Island 34 times. This sounds like a whacky plotline for a sitcom, but it is not. Bill Clinton often finds himself getting in whacky situations, such as the time he ended up getting oral sex in the oval office; they should rename it the oral office, am I right?

Experts suggest that Bill Clinton installs a GPS, or at least have one of his servants do it, as it will look really weird if Bill accidentally ends up on Pedo island a 35th time. To be fair, Pedo Island is incredibly difficult to miss. The island has been a giant, obvious, and unavoidable landmark for decades. Weirdly enough most celebrities, politicians, or remotely powerful figures often accidentally end up on Pedo Island.

Realible World News will be sure to update if Bill ends up on Pedo Island a few more times. We have a slight suspicion that he will before his suicide.