For the Weekly Broadcast of October 16th, we ask the question Who is Joji? We also discuss the Pixel 4a’s pornhub functionality, Barack Obama’s COVID-19 highlights, Disneyland, Avengers butts, and the Last of Us Part II.



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Links to the stories discussed in this episode can be found below:

Joji Is Filthy Frank? New Wild Internet Conspiracy Gains Traction

Joji is Filthy Frank?

Joji is a major breakthrough artist that has achieved major success in a short amount of time. He is part of the musical collective group 88Rising, which achieved major success, having one of the most popular songs of the last summer. Joji’s sudden appearance has everyone asking where he came from. How can a random man in his early 20’s reach so much success so quickly? He has connections that no random people could, so who is Joji really? Joji was noticed soon after the disappearance of youtube icon Filthy Frank. This has conspiracy theorist thinking one thing. Are they the same person?

Follow the link above for the full story.

The Pixel 4A Comes With The PornHub App Pre-Installed

The PornHub app inevitably ends up being installed on all smart phone devices one way or another, but the Pixel 4A beats all others to the punch. Google has announced that the Pixel 4A will have the added convenience of having the PornHub app pre-installed on all devices. The progressive move has the world stunned, as porn will become more normalized than ever before.

Follow the link above for the full story.

Barack Obama Reveals His Favorite Moments of the COVID-19 Lockdown

Barack Obama Wearing a Mask

Barack Obama has stayed in the public eye far passed his presidency. Today, he is practically a celebrity figure. His endorsements can sway politics. His lists of favorite movies, songs, and books can drive sales. Although he’s no longer a government figure, his words continue to carry great power. Recently he released his list of his favorite Lockdown Moments since the COVID-19 pandemic began! 

Follow the link above for the full story.

Disney’s Coronavirus Response: Adds COVID-19 Death Toll To Countries in It’s A Small World

Dinsey's coronavirus response, COVID-19 Death Toll outside It's a Small World

In preparation for Disneyland’s reopening later this year, cast members are minimizing risk. Disney’s coronavirus response has faced huge criticisms. People are unhappy with Florida’s Disneyworld opening as coronavirus cases sky rocket. Although Disneyworld has socially distanced lines and rides, frequent cleaning, and limited occupancy, it is believed to have contributed to the pandemic. California is a virus hotspot, and Disneyland would surely contribute to the cases. Nonetheless, Disneyland builds toward an opening, and Disney’s coronavirus response takes surprising turns.

Follow the link above for the full story.

Pokémon Accent Dropped From Name To Avoid Holiday Season Confusion

Pokémon Accent Removed

Pokémon has been a difficult concept for parents to grasp since its inception. Parents often ask retail employees for “Pokéman” or “Pocketmon” merchandise during the holiday season. Due to this, the popular multimedia franchise will drop that confusing accent from its name. The slight name change will increase profits drastically for Nintendo. Pokémon Sword and Shield is known to be a lazy game by the online community. Nintendo cites the Pokémon accent as the reason for cutting corners. The company believes that 35% of revenue is lost due to difficulty pronouncing the series name.

Follow the link above for the full story.

Which Avenger Butt Is Best? Fans Torn After New Bootylicious Gameplay Is Revealed

Avenger fans typically get along due to the fact that they already have so much in common. Recent gameplay footage of the new Marvel: Avengers game has fans divided though. The new gameplay shows exceptional footage of the characters’ rears. This has fans all asking the same question; which Avenger butt is best? The current analysis is that Hulk objectively has the nicest butt, but is it fair to let a gamma boosted booty take the crown? Black Widow fans declare that she has the nicest butt, and she earned it fair and square.

Follow the link above for the full story.

The Only Factor That Saves The Last of Us Part II from Being Total Trash

The reception to The Last of Us Part II has been mixed. Hardcore fans of the original game thought the sequel did a poor job continuing the legacy of the franchise. The characters, plot, and game play seems like it falls far below the expectations of the fans. Some people did enjoy the game, but the core, disgruntled fan base is unhappy. Strangely enough, there was one factor that united all players of the game. One surprise variable saved the reputation of The Last of Us Part II, among the casual gamer and the hardcore fan.

Follow the link above for the full story.

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