The Google I’m Feeling Lucky Button Claims Its Next Victim

We all know and love the novelty of the I’m Feeling Lucky button on Google’s homepage. It allows any user to have a cutesy game of Google Russian Roulette. They could find fun online games, food recipes, trending news, and more. [REDACTED], father of 3, from [REDACTED], North Carolina, was trying to google a recipe for slime to make for his children. [REDACTED] never thought a simple accidental mouse click would cost him his life. His cursor was an inch too far to the right and he pressed “I’m Feeling Lucky” by mistake. The obnoxious placement of the “I’m Feeling Lucky” button has always been a minor inconvenience. Now the man was directed to was the transport route for the The Lackter Cartel, also known as the Bond of Blood Confederation. The international crime syndicate is infamous for many reason. They are most known for drug trafficking, money laundering, and organized crime.

[REDACTED] attempted to clear his browsing history, but it didn’t work. He was found dead hours later. The three kids are now fatherless and slime-less. Maybe Bing isn’t so bad after all.


This article returned in one of our recent news broadcasts. The story has recently come back into the spotlight. After going viral late after the original report. The story went viral again thanks ironically to the “feeling lucky button” on Google. A random web surfer clicked the button and landed on our article discussing the story. It is ironic and insane that the story would come full circle like this. We are feeling lucky now thanks to Google.

Watch the broadcast containing this article here.