Mike Tyson Realizes Pigeons are Too Easy to Destroy, Goes Back to Boxing

Mike Tyson is the Gerber Baby of boxing. Everyone loves him and he is really cute. After an incredible boxing career with 44 knockout victories, he retired in 2005. He realized humans were too easy to defeat, so he spent the last 15 years fighting various animals. After effortlessly killing bears, tigers, sharks, and even blue whales in hand to hand combat, Mike Tyson realized pigeons were his greatest adversary.

Tyson spent years mastering how to swiftly kill a pigeon. He refuses to let his tour de force stop now. He will bringing his pigeon murder skills back to the boxing ring against Roy Jones Jr.

Mike Tyson Goes From Fighting Pigeons To Children?

Roy Jones Jr. is son of Roy Jones. The boy will be the first junior boxer to fight Mike Tyson. Some fans think this isn’t fair. Other fans however believe this could be the pay-per-view fight of the century. If He can destroy pigeons, sharks, and whales, then their is no doubt that he can destroy a child. The fight is already projected to make millions, and fans are anticipating the day they can see a child attempt to fight a boxing legend.

Some concerned mothers are hoping to get the fight canceled. However, this is unlikely to happen. The fight is expected to make way too much money. They will stop at nothing to broadcast it live across the world. It is difficult to figure out who is in the right. On one hand, the fight seems incredibly risky and dangerous. On the other hand however, it sounds very entertaining. Preventing this historic fight from happening could ruin 2020. People don’t react well to being disappoint. The concerned mother’s could cause more problems than they fix.

We will update the story as it develops. Hopefully the fight gets to air as scheduled.

Watch the broadcast containing this article here.