NY Attorney General Sues, Causes NRA Name Change to Not Radical Assholes


The NY Attorney General Letitia James is battling the NRA. The National Rifle Association prides themselves as being America’s oldest civil rights organization. The NRA defends Second Amendment rights. However, with pressure from proposed laws to regulate or ban firearms, the NRA is more active than ever. Their members are adamant about their freedom and insist no-compromise gun freedom is the best option. Also, supporters of the NRA believe that mostly unrestricted firearm ownership doesn’t contribute to violence and shootings.

Those against the the NRA believe that the it is a radical organization. Critics say they put their own sense of freedom above the general safety of the public. Although the NRA began as a non-partisan organization, it has transformed into a primarily republican group. However, Research suggests that, for an organization so focused on freedom, it has serious indoctrination vibes. They tell their members who to vote for, what to think, and even what coffee to buy (https://www.blackriflecoffee.com/collections/nra-collection). The NY Attorney General believes that the NRA’s criminal misuse of funds and donations

NRA’s Name Change

Now with the new Lawsuit from the NY Attorney General, the NRA is taking creative measure to dodge the request to dissolve. In a last ditch effort to appeal to the masses, they changed their name to Not Radical Assholes. Since their haters consider them to be the most radical assholes of all, this name change might trick them into thinking the NRA isn’t so bad after all.

It is unknown what the actual intentions are behind this lawsuit. Since the NRA is one of the most powerful interest groups in America, they have their fingers in a lot of pots. With the upcoming election, the NRA has been gunning for Trump and criticizing Biden. Is this lawsuit an attempt to weaken support for Trump? Will the NRA’s name change to Not Radical Assholes convince the masses into defending them? Only time will tell.