Covid-19 Cases Reach Record Height Thanks To The Release Of The New Mutants

Covid-19 had a recent spike in July despite four months of quarantine protocols taking place. Now in August a new spike is here. The new spike is all thanks to the New Mutants. New Mutants has caused record high increases in covid-19 cases. Ironic due to the nature of the film, the New Mutants has released to theaters. This has theaters forcing two to three viewers per showing to be closed into a single room. Luckily for the world, the movie is performing poorly, and this should slow down the spread of the virus. If the movie was a success, there would be hundreds more people infected with the virus. Two to three people per showing adds up fast though, and this can turn cities into disease ridden hell holes.

By How High Has New Mutants Increased Covid-19 Cases?

The film has caused Covid-19 cases to increase by at least 430% in most areas. This is astonishing as no movie is worth this increase; not even a good movie, and especially not a horrible movie. It is safe to assume that no one seeing New Mutants cares about themselves or others. If you would risk the death of your grandmother to see an outdated and forgettable Fox X-Men movie, then you might as well be a full fledged sociopath.

If the movie was good, like if this was Logan releasing, then it would be understood, but dying over New Mutants is unacceptable. Yesterday we released an article that lists much more acceptable dangerous activities to engaged in, and readers all agreed that each point was much more enjoyable than New Mutants. The article is embedded below.

New Mutants is likely to develop a breed of New Mutants in the real world at this point, and we don’t want to see this happen. The increase in Covid-19 cases is likely to mutate the human gene, and make the film a reality.