Donald Trump Interview Reveals How He Beat Covid In One Easy Step

Donald Trump has amazed the world yet again. This time the President of the United States managed to completely destroy Covid-19 in only three days. This sounds impossible for someone his age, but Donald Trump has proved his strength once again. Now Realible World News has the exclusive interview with Donald Trump post-Covid.

Post-Covid Interview With Donald Trump

Dr. Williams: Good morning Mr. President. How are you feeling today?

Donald Trump: I am doing *coughs* great *coughs*, my apologies. Is there a cat in here? I might be allergic to cats. I am also allergic to democrats.

Dr. Williams: No sir, there are neither cats nor democrats in this room. We don’t allow cats on set, and we democrat proofed the windows ages ago.

How is the POTUS feeling post-Covid?

Donald Trump: *Coughs* Okay great, anyways. I am doing good thank you. Great even. Maybe better than ever. Most people take two weeks to recover from Covid, but I am not like most people. My DNA is 100% American, and Americans never quit. My antibodies fought around the clock and fought back Covid faster than the world has ever seen *coughs* *coughs again* *coughs for about three minutes* I feel better than ever. I think Covid gave me an excuse to finally rest. No one works harder than me. haven’t had a break in years. For me, work never stops. *coughs* I am working right now as we speak.

How Is Donald Trump 100% American?

Dr. Williams: Thank you for the update on how you are feeling. Anyways we had some questions for you. What exactly does it mean to be 100% American? When it comes to DNA this seems impossible. Was this an official DNA test?

Donald Trump: Correct. I took an official DNA test. *Coughs* The best DNA test in the world. Only someone like me even has access to a DNA test of this status. This DNA test is 100% accurate. *Coughs*

Still Donald Trump: I took the DNA test and my results didn’t say European, or Irish, or British, or cheeto man. My DNA test said American. Not only did it say American, it said 100% American. Big bold letters. *Coughs* You can’t miss it. A blind person could have seen how American I was. My results printed on a Chinese fortune cookie paper. That was all the paper required to print that one line of results. 100% American. 100% is an A. I aced the American test. I may be the first 100% American person registered, but if I am re-elected President of the United States, I know it will be because of other true Americans. They won’t be 100% American like me, but they will be close. *Coughs for 3 minutes*

Dr. Williams: Wow, that was quite the paragraph. I am glad you DNA test came back so positive. Good job on getting a perfect A. So It isn’t about your access to exceptional healthcare?

Donald Trump: No way. My health is a direct response to my American DNA *Coughs for 2 minutes* I didn’t even have to study for this test. Tests come easy for me. Never have I studied for anything. I get 100% on everything I do. Being an American is easy for me.

Dr. Williams: Wow you sure are patriotic. Is there anything else you would like to discuss other than how American you are?

About The Debate

Donald Trump: Yes. *Coughs* I wanted to talk about how non-American other people are. *Coughs*

Dr. Williams: Wow okay. That sounds like a great conversation. So Mr. President. Who do you think is un-American? Do you think Biden would have scored a 100% on the DNA test?

Donald Trump: No way. Biden would get a 0%. Biden could wear an ear piece and be fed the answers and he would still fail the American test. Biden’s DNA is basically Chinese. I don’t mean that as an insult to the Chinese, but as an insult to Biden. *Coughs* That man couldn’t be less American. When he told me to shut up, he told all 100% Americans to shut up. Him and Antifa are just a hate group for 100% Americans. America can’t be taken over by these American haters.

Dr. Williams: Wow. I am glad you are here to protect 100% Americans. I hope my DNA test comes back as American.

Donald Trump: No way. News reporters are never American. You are going to score a 0%. You are European at best. *Coughs* You wouldn’t last a day with Covid. *Coughs* This interview is over. I am too busy to stay and talk *coughs*.

Dr. Williams: Have a great day Mr. President. I would wish you well, but it is obvious that you are completely healed and do not need my support.

Donald Trump: *Coughs for 7 minutes*

Dr. Williams: Have a great rest of your week. Good luck next month.

Let us know what you thought about our Donald Trump Interview. Realible World News will try to get an other interview with the President of the United States in November.