Last Homeless Man in Irvine is Especially Itchy

As the City of Irvine continues to eradicate their homeless population, this man slipped past the vigilant eyes and aggressive hands of the Irvine Police. This unidentified homeless man was last seen on the corner of Campus Drive and Jamboree Drive, wearing very little clothing. He scratched his stomach. He scratched and scratched and scratched. This may not seem particularly startling at first glance, but eyewitness accounts claim this man did not stop scratching for at least 15 minutes. Our data shows the homeless man started scratching his stomach at 1:35pm, but and disappeared into a target bathroom at 1:50pm. Besides this, there is little information known about this man. We have no clues on his location. Also, he could still be scratching his stomach now. If spotted and he is still scratching his stomach, please contact Realible News immediately.

Homelessness in the US

The United States has a strikingly high homeless population. Almost 1.5 million people will experience homelessness in the United States within the year. California’s homeless population is the highest in the country. With this states high cost of living, this is no surprise. No one takes accountability for this issue. There is little done to help homeless. Many issues trap homeless people in their dire situations. For example, many face drug addiction without access to rehabilitation. Reform on the federal level is necessary. Research predicts an increase in homelessness with home renters facing eviction since the recent lock down.

Homelessness in Irvine

We hope the itchy homeless man of Irvine City is doing well. Irvine claims to be the safest large city in the United States, but safe for who? Certainly not for the droves of helpless individuals being bussed out of Irvine. Especially the itchy ones. As cities choose to take an “out of sight out of mind” approach toward homeless people, this issue will continue to grow.

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