Pirates of the Caribbean 6 Will Focus on Napster and MP3 Crisis of 2000

With Johnny Depp’s current predicament, Pirates of the Caribbean 6 is up in the air. Depp’s iconic role of Jack Sparrow is the heart of soul of the Pirates of the Caribbean franchise. No more Jack Sparrow lands this upcoming film in a tough spot. Depp packed theaters with his quirky, charismatic pirate persona. Nonetheless, the producers and writers of the film are coming up with a new spin for Pirates 6 that won’t rely on Jack Sparrow. Fans are wondering, how could you still make this movie when the only entertaining part of the franchise is gone? What’s the point of this new movie if it’ll just be Pirates of the Caribbean with none of the content that made the previous movies enjoyable?

Pirates of the Caribbean 6 Will Focus on Modern Piracy

Modern day pirates have few similarities to those of the past. Piracy is the illegal sharing of others work. All content, such as movies, TV shows, music, e-books, and podcasts, can be pirated. The most successful example of piracy in recent day is Game of Thrones. Game of Thrones is the most pirated TV show of all time, but it actually ended up helping the show’s commercial success. Nonetheless, pirating is known to be a practice that hurts the artists and official owners of the material.

That’s why Pirates of the Caribbean 6 will focus on the most famous piracy case ever. Napster, created in 1999, caused a revolution in MP3 music sharing. Why go out and buy the new Brittney Spears CD when you could download Napster and download the music for free? Napster did worry record labels at first. However, as the number of users and available, free music skyrocketed, it became obvious how much potential revenue was being lost. I won’t spoil the end of this story, since you’ll be able to watch the whole thing in Pirates of the Caribbean 6.

Other Pirates of the Caribbean stars have also found themselves in tough situations. What are your thoughts about this drastic change to the Pirates franchise? Will you see this new movie when it comes out?