Physically Disabled Child Adopted by Man to Skip Disneyland Lines

Everyone hates Disneyland lines. The park is chalk full of two and a half hour waits for a 3 minute ride. $120 dollars to walk in the heat and stand in lines. Hence, it’s no surprise this man adopted a physically disabled child. People with disabilities have major perks. Mainly, they skip lines at Disneyland. People drag their wheelchair bound friends and family members to the park. Disabled people are the perfect target. First, they can’t fight back. Second, as long as there is one disabled person, the entire group gets to skip the line. Why not take advantage of this opportunity?

Disable Child Gets Adopted

One man from Brea, California loves Disneyland, but hates the lines. He cut in line whenever he could, but he constantly got caught. He knew there was one way to stop this inconvenience. After traveling to the nearest foster home, he located the most physically disabled child in the home. After confirming that these disabilities were permanent, he began the adoption paperwork. Due to his clean background and wholesome life, the adoption went through quickly. In fact, it was a suspiciously perfect adoption.

Soon after, this man began the best Disney days of his life. Similarly, the quality of life for the disabled child went up drastically. Therefore, this situation poses a major moral dilemma. The only reason he adopted this child was for shorter lines, yet this selfish choice helped the disabled child as well.

The mans wife was on board with adopting a child, but was unsure why her husband was so set on the child being physically disabled. After hearing her husband’s reasoning, she really got excited. They are thinking of adopting a second disabled child in case they split up at the park and want to go on different rides. What is your opinion? Would you adopt a physically disabled child for shorter lines?