Crazy Frog Is Back And His Penis Is Bigger Than Ever

Crazy Frog is back and about time too. His Twitter account has recently become active again, which sparked fan speculation all across the globe. Is he planning a comeback? Is a new album on the horizon? Or is he just planning on launching an Onlyfans? No one knows for sure, but one thing is definitely for sure. Crazy Frog’s penis is now bigger than ever.

How Big Has His Penis Become?

Crazy Frog’s penis has grown exponentially since he was last seen. Research suggests that this could be the most horrifying amount of growth ever seen. Crazy Frog is famous for ruining childhoods, and now he is even more horrifying. This penis isn’t just scary, it is intimating. Imagine trying to watch a nice music video about a frog that makes crazy noises, but then a giant penis stretches across your computer screen. This is the stuff of nightmares. He will likely be more famous than ever, but at what cost?

Why Is Crazy Frog Making A Come Back?

Nothing sells more during the holidays than Crazy Frog records. Whether the purchase is for comedic purposes, or for someone with an unfortunate taste in music, his music makes for the perfect gift. It makes a ton of sense for him to make his return during the holiday season. We will likely see a new music video in the near future, and we will likely see his extra large penis within this music video.

Why Did Crazy Frog Ever Disappear From Mainstream Media?

Crazy Frog was the first celebrity to get canceled. The world just wasn’t ready for his penis. Some people are still traumatized to this day over seeing his penis back in 2006, even while in its smaller form. The internet today is a darker place. While you would think it would be easier than ever to get canceled, it seems that he will be able to find a niche audience that appreciates such content.

What do you think about Crazy Frog’s return? Are you excited? Do you wish his penis wasn’t quite so large? Let us know in the comments.