Inauguration Day Is Tomorrow, But Bernie Can Still Win

Tomorrow is inauguration day, and Presumably Joe Biden will officially replacing Donald Trump, and will become the 46th President of the United States of America. This however, may not be the case. There is still a chance that Bernie Sander can win. The popular theory has spread like wildfire on social media, and is gaining traction across America. A frantic “Bernie Bro” has been searching through governmental documents for any sort of loophole that can benefit Bernie Sanders. After months of rigorous searching, the Bernie fan finally found something worth noting.

How Can Bernie Sanders Still Win?

The user that goes by the name “BernieBoi420” found an old constitutional document that contained an astonishing rule. The new rule states that if a President of the United States pees his pants in the oval office, it can be used as proof of the current Presidents incompetency. It is nearly a given that Joe Biden will pee his pants almost immediately upon entering the White House. How does this make Bernie the next president though? This rule states that in this circumstance, the current Vice President will remain Vice President, but the secondary candidate for that party will become President. If this is true, things are looking promising for the Vermont Senator.

How Will Bernie Bros Pull This Off?

The Bernie bros don’t have to do anything. Joe Biden will likely do this all on his own. No one knew about this “pee pants” rule, but it has shaken things up tremendously. It was always a given that Joe Biden would be peeing his pants while in office, but no one knew it was not allowed. Bernie Sanders just has to keep his pants clean one more day, and he may become President of the United States after all.

What do you think of this theory? Do you think it is too late since the inauguration day is tomorrow? Does Bernie stand a chance? Let us know in the comments.