This Hiking Trail Is GUARANTEED To Kill You!

Welcome to the ultimate Hiking gauntlet. This trail has claimed 600 lives, and is itching for its next victim. Even the most avid hikers have died on this trail. If you can stomach hearing about this tantalizing and intimidating trail, keep reading.

Kill Bill: Volume 2. Now slow down, you might think I’m talking about a Quentin Tarantino film, but I’m not. That is the name of this trail. It’s named after the man who discovered the trail, who also died hiking it. This story was recovered from a diary found on the trail in 2001. Bill was going on a backpacking trip through the Sierra Nevada. He saw a small gold coin about 200 yards up a rocky, overgrown path. It appeared that animals frequented this path. He realized the only way to reach the coin was to die, so he took the risk. Sadly, he didn’t make it. People believe the spirit of Bill has been calling people to the trail since, trying to reach the coin.

People still frequent the trail today. It is hard to know how this hike was discovered, since anyone who steps foot on the trail dies. If you’re interested, all I can say is good luck.