POST HUMAN: SURVIVAL HORROR Review, Why Is He Yelling At Me?

Today we will be writing up a track-by-track POST HUMAN: SURVIVAL HORROR review. Bring Me The Horizon is one of the biggest heavy metal bands. Their song Throne has 192,602,315 plays on spotify and their album That’s The Spirit went billboard #2 in the United States and #1 in the UK. The bands has been riding this success ever since and they have shown no sign of slowing down. Their latest album AMO was more of a rock album, but it was good rock. What has Bring Me The Horizon been cooking up since? We have the latest scoop. Here is our review of POST HUMAN: SURVIVAL HORROR.


Dear Diary:

Dear Diary has the title of a Taylor Swift song, but it is far from a Taylor Swift song. I turned on the first track and was immediately yelled at. Why is this guy yelling at me for giving his album a listen? I am confused, but intrigued. I don’t know what he is saying, but it sounds important. The vocalist seems to be ranting as if writing in a diary, and he seems to be losing his mind. The track is aggressive and scary, but I am still listening.

Parasite Eve

The song starts off with a wonderful chant, perhaps I misread this album. I can see this track being much more relaxing. After the chant a soft spoken verse starts. It sounds catchy and poppy, but with a dark edge. I can see this coming from the band that wrote Throne. A robotic female voices follows this verse, and it sounds like the world is ending.Right when I started to find the track a little too odd, a powerful chorus struck. This is like if Linkin Park had more grit into their later years. This chorus is a hit.

After the chorus the DOOM soundtrack invaded my ears. A wild and chaotic techno riff came out of no where, but I dig it. The song continues this pattern until a spoken word warning starts. I knew something crazy was going to happen next. The DOOM soundtrack strikes again, but this time the vocalist yells at me again. This band has changed into some sort of death metal band, but I am still on board.


The song starts with the vocalist saying the title and then Somewhere I Belong by Linkin Park starts playing. It is an interesting start, and it sounds great. I feel like I just put in the Meteora CD. The verse also sounds like it would be from Meteora, but this isn’t a bad thing, as it doesn’t sound like a copy of an already existent song. The chorus is fantastic. This is what I have been waiting for. This is the band that wrote Throne. I consider this song a Throne sequel. It has that Meteora part 2 vibe and it kicks ass.

After the chorus the vocalist yelled at me again. I don’t know why he keeps doing this. He also said the F word when he yelled. It is still pretty cool though, and I feel like a metal head. This pattern continues until we get to some shouted bridge. I can dig it because it is short and sweet like at the end of a Linkin Park song. The death metal bridge is good, but the chorus coming back after is great. I think Teardrops will be the next Throne.

Obey (feat. Yungblood)

Did I accidentally switch from Linkin Park radio to Slipknot radio? The second I turn this song on my ears were obliterated by some major riffage. It is loud and epic, but not too scary. It works just fine. I thought the vocalist was going to keep singing, as the verse starts that way, but then he started yelling at me again. This time he yells similar to Slipknot. Slipknot has been yelling at me since the 90’s, but now in 2020 Bring Me The Horizon is here to yell at me. It isn’t over the top like in Dear Diary, but it is still pretty crazy.

The chorus soars. This is one of the best choruses yet. I feel like dancing, yet I also feel like punching someone. This feeling is confusing, but I will embrace it for this song. Now some weird guy is yelling at me. Apparently it is Yungblood. I don’t know why he is yelling at me, but that is okay too I suppose. The chorus plays again and I am still not sick of it.

After the chorus the vocalist whispers in a creepy way. Is the DOOM soundtrack coming to attack again? I guessed it. A deep demonic voice yelled at me this time. Satan himself just yelled at me and then played the DOOM soundtrack. Hell is now here. Once Bring Me The Horizon lets hell reside, the chorus comes back and I am stoked it hear it again. This sound is evil, but it makes me feel cool to listen to it. I do approve of this song.

Kingslayer (feat. BABYMETAL)

Kingslayer has an intro called Itch For The Cure and it is pretty cool. It is like if a public service announcement was an anime. Additionally it is like if Dance Dance Revolution gave out survival advice. It is great. Anime voices start speaking too, and it is kind of epic. Now the song Kingslayer is starting. The techno beat is catchy and energetic, I dig it. The vocalist yelled at me again, this time he didn’t even say an actual word. The verse is filled with electronic voices and demonic devil screams. The vocalist sounds so low that I cannot tell if this is a guest vocal by Satan himself. Is this the BABYMETAL guest appearance? I don’t know who BABYMETAL is, but I am guessing it is the low demon voice.

Now the anime character is singing again, but this time for the chorus. The anime character and BABYMETAL exchange vocal lines after the chorus. While the character is singing, BABYMETAL keeps doing their demonic Satan screams. This album has yelled at me more than my Dad and ex. wife combined. One of those angry ending parts are in this song as well, but this time with much more techno and anime. The electronic beat is fantastic though, and honestly the song gets me pumped. I am still a fan of this track, but it is no Throne. Throne is a heavy metal anthem, this song is a Dance Dance Revolution track.

1X1 (feat. Nova Twins)

This song is the Bring Me The Horizon I know. This song is a metal hit. Now this is the band that wrote Throne. If Teardrops is Throne 2, this is Throne 3. The song is like a mixture of top 40 r&b and heavy metal. The Nova Twins sound great. I am not sure who they are, but having a twin is cool, so good for them. The chorus hits hard, and the verses are beautiful. This is how you write a heavy metal song. The bridge doesn’t yell at out, and it is catchy and awesome like Papa Roach. I feel like the 90’s just came back but better than ever. The vocalist only yells are you once during this song. I am sure fans will be glad to not be yelled at this time.


I don’t know what a Luden is, but I do know what Ludens is. This song is another one full of vibes. It sounds like if Linkin Park was into the vibes of 2020. This song was writing for a video game, and we previously reported that this song is too cool for gamers. I won’t review this song as I listen, because I have heard it before. It is great, and the yelling bridge at the end even fits. I imagine it fitting in an action packed video game. I have no bad things to say about Ludens. Honestly Ludens might even be Throne 4. It is a bit heavy compared to Throne, Throne 2, or Throne 3, but one yelling part won’t change the fact that this is indeed a heavy metal hit. Ludens is the greatest video game track of all time. This song isn’t “okay” (see what I did there?) it is great.

One Day The Only Butterflies Left Will Be The One’s In Your Chest As You March Towards Your Death (feat. Amy Lee)

This song is nostalgic, as I haven’t hear Amy Lee’s voice in decades. Bring Me To Life was the reigning metal song until Throne came out. This is the collab the metal world has been waiting for. Amy Lee takes control of the first verse and chorus and she does great. This is like an opera. This album is ending on an emotional route. The original vocalist comes back for the second verse and he isn’t yelling at me. His voice is actually beautiful here. The lyrics are great as well. I never thought an Amy Lee and Oliver Sykes duet would work, but it sure does. Oli has never proved himself more than now. The next chorus is a full blown duet and it is haunting. I can finally forgive Oliver for yelling at me throughout this album. It is as if this song is an apology to the victims of his screams. Right as I thought I was spared from being yelled at, the song ends with a yell. Oliver got the last laugh, as he yelled at me and then left. This is how the album ends.


Overall POST HUMAN: SURVIVAL HORROR is great. I say this because they warned me that it would be a horror, and that I would have to survive. Well I survived! I give the album a 10/10. It delivered what it promises whether I enjoyed being yelled at or not. This album delivers 3 new Throne songs, and I got my death metal fix along the way. Bring Me The Horizon has always been a great heavy metal band, but this time they brought the death metal. Great job Bring Me The Horizon! Now next time don’t yell at me so much please. I am sure the fans would appreciate less yelling.

We hope you enjoyed our track-by-track review of POST HUMAN: SURVIVAL HORROR. Check back next weekend for more reviews in our weekly review column.