For the Weekly Broadcast of November 13th, we report on the Pirates of the Caribbean 6 overhaul, Jack Skellington’s ethnicity before he died, and the struggle of playing video games with toddlers.



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Links to the stories discussed in this episode can be found below:

Pirates of the Caribbean 6 Will Focus on Napster and MP3 Crisis of 2000

With Johnny Depp’s current predicament, Pirates of the Caribbean 6 is up in the air. Depp’s iconic role of Jack Sparrow is the heart of soul of the Pirates of the Caribbean franchise. No more Jack Sparrow lands this upcoming film in a tough spot. Depp packed theaters with his quirky, charismatic pirate persona. Nonetheless, the producers and writers of the film are coming up with a new spin for Pirates 6 that won’t rely on Jack Sparrow. Fans are wondering, how could you still make this movie when the only entertaining part of the franchise is gone? What’s the point of this new movie if it’ll just be Pirates of the Caribbean with none of the content that made the previous movies enjoyable?

Follow the link above for the full story.

The Nightmare Before Christmas: Tim Burton Confirms Jack Skellington Was Black Before He Died

Jack Skellington Before He Died

The Nightmare Before Christmas is a beloved holiday movie. The juxtaposes horror and wonder, and fans embraced the film with open minds and open hearts. The film was the first of its kind, and it remains a classic to this day. The film just became even more significant though. Forever fans have wondered who Jack Skellington was before he died, and now they finally have an answer. Tim Burton has confirmed that Jack Skellington was black. This is a huge deal because this means that The Nightmare Before Christmas was the first Disney film to star a black man.

Follow the link above for the full story.

Pikmin 3 Deluxe Co-Op: Do Not Play With Your Toddler

Pikmin 3 Deluxe Co-op

I love my son. He is growing up to be a huge Nintendo fan like I myself am. Unfortunately he is still only three years old. His abilities are limited, and unfortunately so is my patience. I figured I would playthrough Pikmin 3 with my son. I played the game on the Wii U, and I figured this would spice things up, and give me a chance to bond with my son. Unfortunately, I was so wrong. Tensions within the family have been rough since our initial playthrough. My son just couldn’t grasp the game. I am talking Pikmin extinction status levels of irresponsibility. I will never be allowing my son to get a pet after I saw how he handled the Pikmin.

Follow the link above for the full story.

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