Il Piantissimo From Super Mario Sunshine Is Modeled After Orlando Bloom

Il Piantissimo is a strange character from Super Mario Sunshine. No one really understands what or who he is supposed to be. The game features a lot of strange characters, but Il Piantissimo takes the cake. The giant eel that needs his teeth cleaned and the mysterious owner of the Delfino Hotel have nothing on him. Even the horny boos aren’t as unsettling as the existence of Il Piantissimo. So what is he exactly? He looks to be a human wearing pianta closing. A wolf in sheep’s clothing. No one else seems to accept him or like him. He has a cocky attitude and wants to race Mario in the three worlds he appears in. So who is he exactly? Thanks to datamining we finally have our answer. After 18 years it is finally revealed that Il Piantissimo is indeed Orlando Bloom.

How Do We Know That Il Piantissimo Is Orlando Bloom?

Dataminers are now able to get a clear look under his Pianta head piece. The disguise can’t fool anyone anymore. The resemblance is uncanny. He has to be Orlando Bloom. The star was extra relevent and famous back in 2002 when Super Mario Sunshine released. This inclusion makes a ton of sense in hindsight. Back when the game released players would try to manipulate the camera to see underneath his disguise. There were plenty of theories, but no one ever figured it out for sure. No one knows if Orlando Bloom knows of this Easter Egg, or if he was involved at all. Hopefully the actor will appreciate the reference. If he doesn’t Nintendo might have an Ellen Page situation on their hands.

Why Did Nintendo Try To Mask This Wonderful Easter Egg?

Nintendo could have made Il Piantissimo wear a mask to hide his identity. Judging by this, it is easily possible Nintendo did not get permission to use his likeness. He looks way too much like Orlando Bloom for them to get away with this. It is obvious there could have been legal issues if they didn’t mask the character. This suggests that Orlando Bloom does not know about his appearance in the game. We hope he isn’t too angry, and we hope he finds out soon. We have been unable to get a response from Orlando Bloom himself. Please reach out to him and let him know of this Easter egg.

Il Piantissimo Unmasked. Clearly a reference to Orlando Bloom