For the Weekly Broadcast of October 9th, we report on Onlyfans new tutoring service for children, Bill Clinton and his accidental trips to pedophile island, the new treat that has vampire role-players in a frenzy, easy to use roller-skates, and Nickelodeon’s new Dan Schneider show.



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Links to the stories discussed in this episode can be found below:

Onlyfans Adds Service To Tutor Children

onlyfans new service

Schools across the country are shutting down due to COVID-19. Once summer ends, Kids will be stuck at home with limited access to the typical academic resources they are used to. Physical classrooms have great amenities: in person teachers, study groups with peers, science labs, daily in-school tutoring, and more. Many parents are struggling with the home-schooling they will need for their children. There are online classes taught by regular teachers that will give a baseline education, but supplementary teaching and homework help is going to be a major hurdle for parents to handle. OnlyFans is seizing this new opportunity.

Follow the link above for the full story.

Bill Clinton Can’t Stop Getting Lost On His Way Home, Accidentally Ends Up On Pedo Island 34 Times!

bill clinton pedo island

Whacky Ex-President Bill Clinton just can’t stop making silly mistakes. Mr. Clinton reportedly accidentally landed on Pedo Island 34 times. This sounds like a whacky plotline for a sitcom, but it is not. Bill Clinton often finds himself getting in whacky situations, such as the time he ended up getting oral sex in the oval office; they should rename it the oral office, am I right?

Follow the link above for the full story.

Menstrual Blood Pancakes Attract Avid Vampire Role players

menstrual Blood Pancakes

Periods are not something the typical person find appetizing. This California based restaurant disagrees. They pride themselves on being free bleeders, on the more extreme end of feminism. They believe that the stigma toward menstruation is damaging. Research backs up these claims, and the normalization of periods would be beneficial to woman of all ages.

Follow the link above for the full story.

These Rollerskates With Square Wheels Will Save You From Embarrassment At The Skate Rink

roller skates

Nobody likes going out with friends to try out new things just to end up embarrassing themselves. Especially for the less athletic folk out there, putting a bogey in minigolf, constant gutters at the bowling alley, and failing to pull the parachute cord skydiving can be mortifying experiences. Your social circle loses respect for you and your friends never treat you the same.

Follow the link above for the full story.

Nickelodeon Announces New Dan Schneider Series “Eight Feet, One Man”

dan schneider

Nickelodeon has announced a brand new series that will spark the return of Dan Schneider to Nickelodeon. “Eight Feet, One Man” will be coming to Nickelodeon this November. The show will be a sitcom about a octopus that is adopted into a family of humans. Think Stewart Little meets OctoDad.

Follow the link above for the full story.

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