The Pixel 4A Comes With The PornHub App Pre-Installed

The PornHub app inevitably ends up being installed on all smart phone devices one way or another, but the Pixel 4A beats all others to the punch. Google has announced that the Pixel 4A will have the added convenience of having the PornHub app pre-installed on all devices. The progressive move has the world stunned, as porn will become more normalized than ever before.

The announcement follows recent controversy at PornHub. Throughout the last month, PornHub has been under fire for allegedly hosting pornographic content that is published by sex-traffickers. Not all the content on the site has such a sinister backstory, but there are definitely improvements to be made regarding the safety of porn stars amateur and professional alike.

One of the main complaints regarding the Google Pixel 3 was that valuable fapping time was lost due to having to download the PornHub app. Google made it a priority to fix this concern. This is a risky move, as the Samsung S20 is ahead of the curve. The S20 immediately pre-creates an OnlyFans account for the user upon initial boot-up. Only time will tell which function users end up appreciating more.

Concerned mother’s have been wondering what Google plans to do regarding this controversial decision. Will all Pixel 4As come with PornHub installed? Will the App be restricted on devices owned by children under the age of 18? We reached out to Google where a representative said “PornHub will indeed be pre-installed on the Pixel 4A for everyone. However if the phone is in the hands of a minor, it will immediately switch to PornHub Jr., which only features new episodes of Paw Patrol”. This information will likely sit well with mother’s across the world and put all their worries to rest.

Realible World News will post more information of the Pixel 4A as more news develops.