Pikmin 3 Deluxe Co-Op: Do Not Play With Your Toddler

Pikmin 3 Deluxe released for the Nintendo Switch last Friday. The game has been long awaited, and fans are excited to finally see Pikmin on the Nintendo Switch. The game released 7 years ago on the wildly unsuccessful Wii U system. It always seemed like a missed opportunity to have Pikmin 3 sit idle on the forgotten platform. The Pikmin series hasn’t received much love from Nintendo since then, with the series only getting one 3DS spin-off since then. While fans anticipate the announcement of a Pikmin 4, Pikmin 3 Deluxe can help fill the void. Thankfully, Pikmin 3 is still fantastic 7 years later. What really shines in Pikmin 3 Deluxe is the co-op story mode. Controlling one of the three playable captains while a friend controls on of the other is a fantastic addition. Unfortunately the co-op mode isn’t always sunshine and rainbows.

Pikmin 3 Deluxe Co-Op, A Tale Of Frustration And Disappointment

I love my son. He is growing up to be a huge Nintendo fan like I myself am. Unfortunately he is still only three years old. His abilities are limited, and unfortunately so is my patience. I figured I would playthrough Pikmin 3 with my son. I played the game on the Wii U, and I figured this would spice things up, and give me a chance to bond with my son. Unfortunately, I was so wrong. Tensions within the family have been rough since our initial playthrough. My son just couldn’t grasp the game. I am talking Pikmin extinction status levels of irresponsibility. I will never be allowing my son to get a pet after I saw how he handled the Pikmin.

How Did This Playthrough Go So Wrong?

The chaos started nearly immediately. My son is reckless and has no remorse for the deaths of the Pikmin. He would throw red and rock Pikmin into the water, bring blue Pikmin right in front of the fire blowing boar creatures, and throw bomb rocks right at my army while I fought a larger creature. Our total Pikmin deaths at the end of the game were 48,000 Pikmin lost. Yes, you read that right. I would spend most nights growing our Pikmin population in preparation of my son’s murderous hand the next morning. No amount of planning or teaching could save our Pikmin from my son. I found my patience wearing thin, and I started valuing the lives of my Pikmin more than my young child. Now I finally know how Olimar felt working with Louie. I am Olimar in this situation.

Why Didn’t You Just Stop Playing?

This is where things get tricky. My ex. wife just doesn’t understand. She would yell at me if I removed my son from the game. If I just stopped playing, she would say I was stopping just out of frustration. I knew we had to play if I wanted the affection of my son, and the respect of my ex. wife. This left me trapped, and it left Pikmin 3 as my only way out. The game was like a jail sentence. I could not see freedom until I completed the game, and with my son at my side.

Did You Still Enjoy The Pikmin 3 Deluxe Co-Op Playthrough?

Over all the game is very well designed. I think this may be the best designed co-op experience I have ever played. When my son wasn’t sabotaging puzzles or running to the other side of the map, I felt a strong sense of appreciation and heart coming from this well thought out co-op journey. I would highly recommend this game to anyone other than a father of a toddler. This isn’t a review, but I would give Pikmin 3 Deluxe a 10/10. This was a wonderful experience, but I hope it was worth damaging my relationship with my son. I hope I can keep partial custody after the abuse claims reach the public.

Be sure to read through full review of Pikmin 3 Deluxe.

What do you think about Pikmin 3 Deluxe? Are you excited for Pikmin 4? Let us know in the comments.