Newsom COVID-19 Response Bans The Sale of Food Products Containing More Than 4 Servings

There have been many controversial reactions to COVID-19. Gavin Newsom is at it again. He increased California lockdown protocol during Thanksgiving. Smaller party sizes, shut down businesses, and a 10pm curfew have all been put in place to diminish the spread of COVID-19. However, the US is hitting higher numbers than ever. Newsom isn’t giving up. While the holidays are a time of family gatherings and the spread of disease, this year could be especially fatal. Cold weather, weakened immune systems, and large gatherings are what this holiday season is all about. Newsom refuses to give up. This new Newsom COVID-19 respones is designed to limit any potential holiday gathering from occurring. Effective immediately in all grocery stores, the sale of any food item containing more than 4 servings is banned.

How Will This New Newsom COVID-19 Response Help?

How could families gather if there’s no way for them to eat? With no more party sized bags of Doritos, 12 packs of beer, carton of eggs, it is going to be tough to create a meal for more than three or four hungry stomachs. Almost all grocery store food items will be in single serving packages. Newsom’s heart is in the right place, but it’s unlikely this plan will be effective. The California Sheriff’s department reported that they will not be enforcing this rule, and people are free to buy as many of these single servings as they want.

What Can I Do To Stay Safe?

Although this new Newsom COVID-19 response seems unhelpful, it is good to keep it in mind. Especially if you have elderly family that could suffer greatly from coronavirus, it is smart to keep safety as the number one priority. Family is important, especially during the holiday. Family meet ups and gift exchanges can be done safely. Always try to keep airflow wherever you are and keep contact to a minimum. If you are experiencing any cold or flu-like symptoms, it’s better to stay at home and keep outside contact to a minimum as well.