Introducing the New McDonald’s Menu Item, the McFurry

The New McDonald’s McFurry is finally coming to all locations. The new treat has been making waves, especially amongst a certain community. Like the Puppuccino, the McFurry is a new secret menu item for animals. Animals are not the only ones enjoying this new dessert though, as Furries around the world are making this item their own.

What Exactly Is A McFurry?

A McFurry is exactly what it sounds like. A McFlurry for animals. The treat consists of a small scoop of ice cream covered with tiny pieces of crumbled up dog treats. The menu item is affordable at only $1.99. The new treat will be very popular amongst animal lovers making a quick stop at the drive-thru. Test groups loved the treat, and now it is finally coming to all McDonalds locations world wide.

So Why Are Furries Uniting Behind This Treat?

The name alone caught the interest of the Furry community, but the movement has grown larger since then. For those who aren’t aware, Furries are people that have Fursonas that they create and roleplay as. While often used for sexual purposes, this is not always the case. Furries are often misunderstood in media, as most members of the community are just having harmless fun and enjoy creating their own anthropomorphic character to identify as. The Furry community is taking pride in the McFurry, as there is finally a fun animal friendly item to adopt into their subcultures. Countless amounts of Furries have shown up to McDonald’s drive-thrus all around the globe dressed as Fursona. It is about time a major corporation creates something fun that can be adopted by a unique community.

How Has McDonalds Reacted To The News?

McDonalds is now accepting the Furry community with open arms. The franchise is famous for adopting beliefs the moment they become acceptable and profitable. Rumors have it that McDonalds is currently filming Furry friendly commercials to capitalize on the community even further.

What do you think of the McFurry? Are you going to get one for your dog or self? Let us know in the comments.