Otter Pops Vs. The Earth, The War Between Delicious Treats And The Earth’s Survival

Depression grows in the brain once one no longer gets dopamine from eating Otter Pops. Each child eats an average of 48 Otter Pops a week. The brain gets such a rush of dopamine from this addiction, that going cold turkey has irreversible effects. Adults without depression are just adults who either never stopped eating Otter Pops, or ones who rediscovered them later on. Environmentalists are trying to ban products that use an excess of plastic, and Otter Pops use a hell of a ton. This sounds like a noble cause, but the brand will not survive if they are unable to be sold in mass quantities.

What Happens If Otter Pops Are Banned?

Rates of depression will increase exponentially. Otter Pops are the last bastion in the fight against depression. Is the Earth’s health worth damaging the mind and well-being of its inhabitants? This is a controversial issue with pros and cons to each side. No matter where you stand, it is easy to see why these treats are so essential. The product is basically more essential than water. Imagine banning water.

Some believe that humans are not the top priority of the Earth. Human depression doesn’t matter to the Earth. The Earth is a vengeful host that doesn’t care if its inhabitants are miserable. If the Earth doesn’t care about us then it is only fair humans prioritize their addiction to Otter Pops. Being pro Otter Pop doesn’t mean you hate the Earth, it just means you want to enjoy life a bit. Perhaps one day a genius will invent a way to use the huge amount of wasted plastic for good. Until then, the Earth will just have to be a casualty in our war against depression.

What Can We Do To Save The Earth?

We can’t do anything it seems. The only way to save the Earth is to play dumb and pretend nothing is wrong in the first place. It is difficult to create these mental blocks, but they work out well in the long run. Ignorance is bliss. By pretending nothing is wrong, you can guarantee your own feelings of safety.

Are you pro Otter Pops, or are you pro Earth? Let us know in the comments which you prefer.