Dean Norris Cameo Officially Canon To The Breaking Bad Universe By Creator Vince Gilligan

Breaking Bad creator Vince Gilligan has made a shocking announcement: Dean Norris’ Cameo account is now considered canon to the Breaking Bad universe.

“We always knew that Dean Norris was an integral part of the Breaking Bad universe,” Gilligan said in a recent interview. “But after seeing his incredible Cameo performances, we realized that his portrayal of Hank Schrader on the show was just the tip of the iceberg. His Cameo videos truly capture the essence of the character and add a new level of depth and complexity to the Breaking Bad universe.”

Breaking Bad Creator Vince Gilligan Highly Approves Of The Dean Norris Cameo Content

Dean Norris

Fans of the show are in shock, with many questioning how Norris’ Cameo videos could possibly be considered canon. But Gilligan assures fans that every detail, from Norris’ wardrobe choices to the way he delivers his lines, has been carefully considered and fits seamlessly into the Breaking Bad universe.

“Dean’s Cameo videos are like a window into Hank Schrader’s soul,” Gilligan said. “They give us insight into his thoughts and feelings, and provide a whole new perspective on the character. We are thrilled to be able to incorporate these videos into the Breaking Bad canon.”

Dean Norris Is Excited To Contribute To The Canon Of The Breaking Bad Universe

Hank Schrader

Norris himself is excited about the news, and has already begun filming new Cameo videos that will further expand the Breaking Bad universe.

“I am honored that Vince and the team have recognized the importance of my Cameo performances,” Norris said. “I can’t wait to continue exploring the depths of Hank Schrader and see where this new direction takes us.”

Fans of Breaking Bad have already used some of his Cameo videos to create fan edits of the show. Fortunately for these fans, these edits are now canon in a sense. 

Only time will tell what other surprises the Breaking Bad universe has in store, but one thing is certain: Dean Norris’ Cameo account is now an essential part of the Breaking Bad canon.

What Else Is Going On With The Breaking Bad Universe?

Last year Vince Gilligan boldly revealed plans for a Breaking Bad prequel starring a young Walter White. The show was heavily inspired by Young Sheldon, and it expected to be just as incredible.

Check out the scoop down below.